We have a strong profile through working with the Ministery of Education and Technical Education by the implemenation of more than 2300 government schools and facilities and improve their IT infrastructure with scope of work that includes passive and active solutions and execute the needed construction work.
Installing Technological Infrastructure in Government Schools For Secondary Stage in Provinces
AL Sharqia
AL buhayra
Supervising on the Installation and submission of the Technological Infrastructure in 2500 Government Schools in all Provinces .
Equipping the Technological Infrastructure in the Educational Directorates and linking them to Ministry of Education.
School Samples of our Work
National and International Schools
منارة هليوبولس الخاصه لغات القاهرة
مدرسة مودرن إنفينيتي الجيزة
مدارس المنار الخاصة الأسماعيلية
مدرسة الدلتا الدولية للغات الدقهلية
مدرسة آمون الأسماعيلية
منارة الأندلس الفيوم
مدارس الشريف الخاصه اساسي لغات الشرقية
الوادي للغات بنات الدقهلية
القديس يوسف لراهبات قلب يسوع المصريات القاهرة
Educational Supply and Installations
Interactive Flat Panel